Hello Everyone,
We are pleased to announce the release of enhancement addressing the B2B/B2C Order Tagging feature in OM Integration. This enhancement improves the overall efficiency and accuracy in order grid.
Business Use Case
For sellers aiming to precisely identify the nature of incoming orders from sales channels, the addition of B2B/B2C tags proves invaluable.
Initially, the B2B/B2C tag is set to a default value (e.g., B2C). However, if the customer's platform is geared towards B2B, they can easily update the tag to B2B/B2C , aligning the order classification with their business model.
Key Capabilities
- Enhanced Visibility: Seamlessly distinguish between B2B and B2C orders, providing a clearer picture of your order landscape and business model.
- Efficient Workflows: The integration of OM and WM facilitates downstream order processing in warehouse management , ensuring harmonious and optimized event syncing within the Anchanto environment.
- Flexibility tagging in Integration tab: Customize Tag values during integration, ensuring adaptability to your unique business requirements.
User Guide:
Login to Anchanto OM
- Anchanto OM > Login > Integrations
- Select a sales channel
Click on connect
- Select B2B or B2C Tag for the specific channel.
- Add details of the store and click on 'Start Integration'
- Once we receive an order from the configured Sales Channel, it appears with order type as shown below:
- Similarly in Anchanto WM the same order is visible as the the tag of B2B order.
Video Resource:Released Version:
- Anchanto OM Version: V3
We hope these features contribute to an effortless user experience for you.
In case of any queries, please reach out to us through any of our Helpline Channels.
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