When you are participating in a sale, it is difficult to keep up with the stocks of different marketplaces. Thus, Anchanto has a Flash Reservation feature that helps you segregate stocks by the marketplace.
Introduction to Flash Reservation
Stock Reservation: This Flash Reservation promotion reserves the stock for a specific marketplace and the unreserved stocks get allocated to the remaining marketplaces. However, the marketplace for which the stocks are reserved will be able to use the overall stocks (in case if the stocks are still available). This will give you an opportunity to sell unreserved quantities during a flash sale on the platform.
E.g: Let's say the SKU – Product1 (Stock – 100 pcs) is listed on the sales channel Lazada, Shopee, and Zalora. If the Flash Reservation promotion of 60 is created for Lazada, then the stocks pushed to Lazada will be 100 (reserved 60 units + unreserved 40 units), and the remaining unreserved stock of 40 units will be pushed to Shopee and Zalora.
Creating Flash Reservation Promotion
1.Create Promotion: To create a promotion, go to the promotions page from your primary navigation panel. On the top right corner of the system, you will find a Create Promotion" button. Click on it.
2. Select Flash Reservation: You will then be led to select the promotion type. Click on “Flash Reservation"
3.Enter Promotion Name: Give a name to your promotion, as this will help you to track the traffic driven from that promotion.
4.Select Sales Channel store: This is the store to which you want to reserve a specific quantity.
5.Promotion Schedule: This is the duration at which you want to start the reservation.
6.Click on the 'Add' button to add the product. Please note that you can add more than one product under the same promotion. Once you have selected the products you will see the currently available stock now based on which you can set the quantity to be reserved.
7.Click on 'Done' once you add all products inside the promotion.
8.You will receive a confirmation message that the Promotion is successfully created.
* Note: The Flash Reservation Promotion is only displayed in the Promotion Module UI
We hope you were able to understand Flash Reservation promotion.
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