User will be needing to perform the counting for all the products, let's say if the created PO or ASN is having 10 products, user will be needing to Count and Perform the quality check for all the products, once each product is completed for Count and QC the put away option will appear in each line item.
Step 1 Counting, click on product line and input the received count details, Once you have inputted the received count on each product line you will be viewing the count as 5/5 this actual indicating that i have perform the count as of 5/5 units in the system. Proceed the same step for all the product. and close the count.
Step 2 Once counting is completed, click on the count and you will be getting two options either to +add more count or Close count for each product line and you will be receiving the QC (Quality check) option.
Step 3 system will prompt with an pop out informing you the total counted units for that particular product, and you may need to confirm the count by clicking on the close counting.
Step 4 Quality Check (QC) for all the counted products. Now Click on the QC option and perform the Quality check for each line item, once QC is done Put away option will appear. Repeat the same step for all the products and your created PO will be completed.
Step 4.1 click on the CQ
Step 4.2 input the usable, unusable or quarantine depending on the product condition and click on the update option once done.
Step 5 Put away option will automatically appear once you have done and update the QC received units for each line product now user can click on Put Away option and perform the put away of each product line.
Step 6 perform the put away, first step scan the location, you will be also having a suggested location option available for each product if the product is a existing product in the system. Next input the total units to be assigned to that particular location and click on Put Away
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