Supplier Management
Supplier is a person or business that responsible to supply and deliver products to warehouse.
Use of Supplier in Anchanto WMS:
- Anchanto WMS Inbound module will provide you option to raise PO against the supplier also to track the movements and status of PO.
- Anchanto WMS B2B order module will provide you option to raise return to specific Supplier.
Creation of Supplier:
- Go to ‘Supplier’ module and click on Add Supplier.
- Fill up the supplier information and click on ‘Add New Supplier’ button.
- A new supplier is created.
Supplier Creation in Bulk
- Select Bulk Upload and download the excel.
- A pop-up will appear and click on ‘Download’ button to download the sample template.
- Fill the details of Supplier Info as per the template and import to Wareo.
- You will be redirected to ‘Bulk Activities’ tab and will see the upload status.
Note: Error report gets generated if upload is failed.
- A new supplier info is created
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